
Oakridge 1st PLACE in APS – Dicey Ducklings Math Dice Team wins competition!

Congratulations to Mr. Chapuis and his Dicey Ducklings Math Dice Team!  This past Saturday morning, the team of six fifth-graders won the district-wide competition between the 25 elementary schools. The students demonstrated their mastery of math facts, problem solving, and creativity, all bundled up with their great sportsmanship.  This really is an incredible accomplishment to earn the highest honor in the competition.

To play, students generate a “Target Number” (by rolling two 12-sided dice) and three “Scoring Numbers” (by rolling three more dice). The goal is to form a math equation out of your three Scoring Numbers that gets as close to the target as possible. To hit the target, you can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponents. If you’re playing competitively, the player with the closest score wins a point. If you’re playing cooperatively, you work with your teammates to find an equation that gets you closest to the target number.

Math dice team with trophies Team with coach Team eating donuts

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